How to Win Your Copywriter’s Heart

How to Win Your Copywriter’s Heart

If, like many of my clients, you’re using the somewhat slower pace of summer to take a look at updating and refreshing your content, you’ll want to read this. Recently a marketing copywriter reached out to me wanting to connect. Another copywriter I work with to...
Are You Feeling Cindy?

Are You Feeling Cindy?

Who else grew up on a steady diet of Brady Bunch reruns? I remember sitting at the hearth with my peanut butter sandwich after school watching the Brady kids and Gilligan’s Island before being shooed outside to “Go play.” (Later years brought General Hospital and the...
My 2020 In Four Acts

My 2020 In Four Acts

Well, we’ve heard everyone we know try to process, reflect or describe the past year. So many shared experiences–although, in most cases, not shared from the same room–and more time spent alone than some would ever hope for. (Except for maybe the true introverts among...