My 2020 In Four Acts

Well, we’ve heard everyone we know try to process, reflect or describe the past year. So many shared experiences–although, in most cases, not shared from the same room–and more time spent alone than some would ever hope for. (Except for maybe the true introverts among us. I see you and I’m toasting you with my second mug of hot tea.)

They weren’t all bad experiences either.

Along with the neverending onslaught of heartbreaking news, some good shone through as well. I decided to break my year down into four acts. And whether you read on or not, I hope you’ve made it to 2021 with at least a little bit of hope for what comes next. 

Let’s hang on to that hope.

ACT 1: The Surge

We’re all familiar with the new year surge, right? Resolutions, cleaning, clearing, planning, vision board making. Like many of you I jumped into 2020 with both feet. A bright, shiny new decade to look forward to. 

I made commitments and tried Intermittent Fasting even.

And things started out strong. I had a couple of really big proposals I was working on right out of the gate. I’d also signed on with a new business coach who was working with me on these proposals as well as helping me think through my rebrand that would also include a restructuring of my offers. 

The year had started out with so much promise. And then…

ACT 2: The Shock


I saw a meme a few months ago that read “This sh*t was not on my vision board.” I had to laugh. I wasn’t laughing in late March though.

One of those two large proposals had already been signed with plans to start work later in the year. Poof! Gone. Most of the work I do for this client is around events they hold and, well, those were all canceled.

The second proposal disappeared too. As well as two new client calls I had scheduled that I had been looking forward to. Honestly, I spent the end of March and the first of April rotating between panic and fear as I started eating into the money I had put away for taxes.

Slowly things began to get a bit calmer (thank you Governor Beshear!) and still there seemed to be no real end in sight. It felt like being in free fall. You had no idea where the bottom was.

With a tax extension and the opportunity for PPP and SBA loans I began to feel some relief. I actually started to believe our Governor’s daily reminders “We’re gonna get through this.”

ACT 3: The Swing

Around mid July I started to feel some movement in my business, a shift. People were starting to contact me about work again. I was feeling energized. 

The summer months were showing a lower number of Covid cases too. It also helped that we were able to gather outside – socially distanced – with friends. Well, we all know this didn’t last but I allowed myself to feel a little hopeful, at least where my business was concerned.

The events taking place around the country were heartwrenching. Like many of you I watched the news and was horrified. And, like many of you, after the murder of George Floyd and, here in Louisville, Breonna Taylor, I mourned, I marched, I signed petitions, wrote letters and did my best to listen. Black Lives Matter.

New contracts signed in July and August brought plenty of work to keep me busy through late October. That, along with the work I was chipping away at for my own rebrand.

And then…

ACT 4: The Steadying

It’s not uncommon in a normal year for things to slow down in the fourth quarter, especially around the holidays. This felt different.

The energy felt like people were bracing themselves for an unwelcome unknown. It got quiet again. While a Covid vaccine was just around the corner, new surges in cases around the holidays had everyone reeling once again. That, coupled with a turbulent presidential election, seemed to leave people unsteady.

I certainly felt it and was looking toward 2021 with cautious optimism. This is the year I plan to finally launch my rebranded website and new Core 5 Framework offer. I’m also hoping the vaccine brings more normalcy and a lot more hugs.

So, here’s to a happier, healthier 2021 for all of us! Hang tight everyone!


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